Friday 1 November 2013

Life in the fast lane ...

Angela Maria De Nobrega Freitas, BSc Hons., Social Sciences, Open University, DipGeog., Open University - MLit., Literature, studied, Open University, MPhil., and Playwriting, studied, Birmingham University. ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ You often hear people talk about those who live in the fast lane. What do they mean. To me it means people who can't ever relax, they must always be on the move, physically and mentally, they are never still for one moment, and they are always thinking about the next trip - the next journey on the agenda to be satisfied, when that's done they return home to take a rest before the next big adventure and so it goes on. I have never lived in any kind of fast lane or contemplated doing so. It holds no fascination for me. I like to do things. I would prefer that my life be a little more pacy, but on balance I prefer my life to anyone else's which may differ from the pace of life that I live. For those who can't be still for long, their mind jumps from from one idea to another - how can anyone contemplate a future when they are always on the move in the fast lane. Those they take along with them can't keep up. Usually you will find that in the fast lane there is the person who is in that state of mind sitting beside a person who is not in that state of mind, perhaps not on the surface, underneath, probably they like to live in the fast lane too, who can be sure. The problem is those in the fast lane are probably happiest with others who are in between the two spheres - neither too slow or in any way fast, and they become encumbered by those who are not as up to speed on life as they would like in terms of keeping up with those realities. Personally, I would not wish or choose to be challenged in that way with anyone. Its a peculiar subject to contemplate, even for a moment, as I am doing here in writing about such a thing. Life is precious, but unfortunately there are people who don't see it that way. The thought that there is only a heart beat between hospital or a morgue doesn't seem to deter them, they are irresponsible because they don't care what they may cause in terms of accidents, you have to steer clear of those types of people, for those who don't they're asking for a heap of trouble to go their way. Some people choose to go along with it telling themselves it will all soon blow over, the constant trip at speed from one place to another and choose instead to pretend ignorance of the realities of life.They sit tight and up it comes, the rear side view they forgot to look at, but accidents do happen to those who live fast and it's important to take a moment and think seriously about that. Living fast does not only refer to physical actions that lead to speed, it can mean lots of different ways in which those who succumb to living fast procure those actions. It can lead those who are into speed Into drugs and using drugs, sex on the hop, the next sexual experience, eventually those people must slow down, but not before they have attempted to satisfy their curiosity for living fast. Some of those people continue to live past their live by date and some don't, for those who do, seeing people who live at less speed can confound those who are and they can lead others astray with their live fast ideas. Those people who find themselves dragged into that type of lifestyle end up dissipated and often they may find they cannot return to their usual norm of life, they have drank too much, smoked too much, have succumbed to drugs far too often have had hard sex far too often, and can crash In a way that becomes difficult for them to return to a normal pace of life. So, you have to be careful not to become involved or embroiled in that way of life. Personally, I would not wish to become a victim of fast living. At the same time I miss being part of a duality, being with another person to be a couple with, that doesn't reflect a wish for fast living, however, the pace of life you know from living on your own changes to accommodate the other person's way of life, you can only hope that person is way past living fast so that you can enjoy a more sedate form of expression as you go through life together. If that person starts to display a wanton desire for fast living and the search of it you know you cannot really stay together for long and it would signify a parting of the ways, there is no room for that type of person in life and if you are a sensible person you will stay put, and remain apart from those types of beings in life. Personally, a person for me to be with should be comfortable in their own skin, will not continually look over his shoulder as to what else is going on out there, will be happy to modify his way of life to mine and be solely with me, with no wish or desire for anyone else, If I found I was with a person who did not fit those principles and ideals or realities there would be a parting of the ways. When I become part of another person I would wish for that person to seek a life with me and I would not want to be with a person who was with other people, that for me would signify fast living, and signify to me also their living fast ideas were not over. That would be a worry for me and going forward into my life I don't need or want relationship worries in my life. Really, ideally, at this stage of my life I would like to be married and to go through the marriage ceremony, the person I would marry would be happy and be in a position to marry me, then we could get on with our lives together. I hope to be compatible in all ways with the person I settle down with, intellectually, romantically, emotionally and sexually. If either of those essential requirements for a happy marriage are missing, then for me that would show a lack of emotional and physical support in that other person for me. I am at an age where almost any age of companion would serve my needs, I have those kinds of looks and crucially a happy young aware and sensible personality, so I'm not worried about the age of the person I may one day settle down with, he could be younger than me or he could be older than me, I would have to be in love and he in love with me to capture my ideal companion, that means being open minded and secure in oneself to reflect the same ideals and principles in another person. I could not live with anyone who might differ in any way from those ideals, if I find going forward in my life that love never happens for me, well, I'll be sad, for sure, but I am quite a confident person, my mind is full, not empty, I can be on my own, it doesn't matter to me too much, I have far too many interests to fulfill me in my life, having in the main a profoundly happy nature it means I'm never really alone, however, that's not to say I don't hope or live for love, I do, but with the right person for me in every way, and that's pretty much the way I look forward to living my life. Ideally I wish to be with someone who wants to travel with me, if I can afford it, principally to enjoy being in each other's company whilst living amidst change, to maintain equilibrium as a couple in all manner of ways outside of our home environment, that the relationship I am in can accommodate those external distractions without becoming involved in them, and with a person who will stay, no matter what, and that I will stay with, no matter what. I'm trying here to say really, I do not wish to be part of any way fastness in life, I wish to be certain in love with the person i'm with and happy to live at my pace of life. I do worry about meeting people, or a person I may like a lot and find they differ from me in every way imaginable, that for me would not be a workable solution to living happily together, I must be sure of the person i'm with and for that person to be sure of me. Change does happen, but hopefully for the best, you must evolve, you can't remain at point zero, the thing is to live in such a way as to reflect the person you are inside as on the outside and for the person you are with to appreciate your qualities, and for you to appreciate their qualities. The idea that the person you may be in love with has little love nests here, there and everywhere is not a recipe for a happy and fulfilling relationship. If they were to contemplate that in you, the person they are happily in love with, I'm sure they would find it distasteful to be with someone of that type of make up or calibre. For me it would be unacceptable to contemplate marriage or a relationship where that person plays away away from home and as often as he likes. That situation for me is unworkable and would really be the end of the affair, in a manner of speaking, marriage or relationship. You can't be fully in love with a person who might play away from home. So, in a relationship it's important to be compatible and to be happy, that way lies fulfilment. Amen. Angela Maria De Nobrega Freitas My wedding outfit:- A well cut trouser suit in cashmere and wool, in navy blue, or baby blue, a well cut white blouse, silk, a good pair of leather shoes with a good heal, in cream or blue, with cut patterns around the shoe, well fit but with a unique intricate design to fit my feet, a silk ribbon in white or baby blue in my hair, my hair I would like to be plaited in intricate plaits around my head, silk stockings, and garters under the trousers, white, silk underwear, white or baby blue, a matching silk purse in the same intricate design as the shoes, white or baby blue, an overcoat, long in cashmere and wool, in cream or navy or baby blue, gloves, cashmere,a coat, because I may marry in winter, my husband to be would wear, Dior, a beautifully cut suit, in cashmere and wool, navy blue, with a white or baby blue silk pin on the lapel of suit jacket, a white poplin shirt, or a white silk shirt, nice socks, cashmere, gloves, cashmere, a good pair of leather shoes in black, a long coat in cashmere and wool, in navy blue, we could marry in church, and we would leave after the wedding ceremony for our honeymoon, somewhere glorious and far, far away. These details have been with me since I was a teenager, so, hopefully will one day be true for me and the person I love and who loves me. Angela x

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