Saturday 31 May 2014

A little up-date ... May 2014

As you may know from reading previous comments I was due to start a course of study in Law, an MA, with the Open University, unfortunately, for practical and sensible and financial reasons and circumstances I am now unable to study that course as I had wished. I have to add, however, cancelling studying with the Open University has been like losing a limb - education is that important to me. Its not the end of the world, I will adapt and live my life otherwise, and save my continuing academic education until another day, but my education is second to none, for me, and I do miss that aspect of myself to learn to distinguish the world through a legal lens and in this instance as far as the course is concerned, and break down academically the various factors involved in studying Law. />< I have my plays and playwrighting for me is a great joy - I will continue to write, its how I think, its how I feel. I will not give up on education and in the future should circumstances change and I am able to study a good course, preferably an MA Law, with the Open University then I will consider studying again in the future. Not studying a course to that extent does not mean I am missing out on learning, although crucially it is important to take part in learning within a structured academic environment, however education comes in many forms, we adapt and we learn from different situations and hopefully become a better person for those experiences. Yes, I do feel short of a limb for now, but I will continue to look at further education in a positive way and learn albeit differently from other aspects of life which are important to observe. Being a good person, being open to what life has to offer and never underestimating our ability to overcome difference and our capacity to take life on board is the ultimate lesson, however, studying and reading should be part of life and it is for many people, we are not alone in these pursuits, For now, good reading and take care. Angela

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Writing, continued ...

Hello to my readers. I hope you have been busy writing and certainly at least, reading. I trust you may have found my suggestions to you as writers helpful and have found many incentives from which to draw your writing material. With writing it is very much being mentally in tune with the world around us to be able to respond to those experiences in as much a positive way as possible. In addition to what I write above and further, you may be thinking of taking a summer holiday or indeed during the Easter period, in that case buy yourself a nice notebook and pen and in-between your holiday activities write some notes on your holiday experiences, if it is too warm and sunny to contend with you can always deferr whilst relaxing and write about your time on holiday and where once you arrive home. For now, good luck and happy writing ...