Sunday 3 November 2013

Beauty ... Love ... how to define it ...

Angela Maria De Nobrega Freitas, BSc Hons., Open University, DipGeog., Open University - MLit., studied, Open University, MPhil., and Playwriting, studied, Birmingham University Beauty is being in love and wishing others well. In those times when we are not in love, we can still wish others well and wait patiently for our turn. Our turn to be beautiful. If it takes a long time between being in love and being truly beautiful, well, we just have to go with the flow of life and be ourselves, if possible not allow others sometimes to upset us, deeply, so that we can remain at least part of an evolving human race whose true empathy in life is in beauty and love. In what makes us beautiful and how to attain eternal love. In absence of being in love and in a relationship we can still strive for love, we are not a closed book, we are an open book and we can forge and re-discover love with our families, our friends and new friends who may enter our lives, we should never close our minds to the potential for love, familial, in friends and romantic, and how we may find it and live it. I would in all honesty prefer to be in blissful married love, with only me and the love of my life, hello, my love, it's what I would like, ideally, so, I don't know if that situation is possible, whether it will or could happen, I just don't know, but what I do know for sure is that it is very much what I want, i want to be with someone who wants to be with me. There are lots of people in the world who are beautiful, people whose character and personality are evolved, they are extremely intelligent and supremely beautiful, and life for those people must be equally beautiful, if I was in a successful career I too would be a person of that kind of beauty, and somewhat complete; or I would be home taking care of my husband and our home, and that's the kind of beauty that I would wish for for me and for him, that we should make each other truly happy and be totally complete. However, even if we do leave home to work at a job we can still be part of a happy relationship or marriage, but it must be what we would both want, in terms of commitment and longevity in our relationship or marriage. It will help immensely if we are both compatible in every way imaginable, at this stage of my life, for me, for instance, everything must be right, I don't want half measures and I'm sure that my husband, let us say i have a husband who is beautiful and waiting in the wings, he would want full measures from me in everything and in every way. For me, a man is beautiful if he is in love with me, to see inner beauty in one's husband to be because of me is bliss beyond compare, to be loving with one another, and that's what I would wish for, bliss, for me and for him, for him to see inner beauty in me shine for him too. Even without meeting a person we know of and have fallen in love with, we know immediately we're in love for sure the moment we do meet each other, it is a very unusual dynamic, but it happens, because it has happened to me, I knew instinctively a person i met was the person for me, and when I saw him and looked into his eyes, and not only that, but the warmth in both of us communicated a very important message which said we were both in love, with each other, and I knew I was in love. I believe it must be the same for the person who once fell in love with me, that he knew instinctively he would find love in me. However, once in a life time, unexpectadly, life happens, it happens for many important reasons, to make room for change, if those changes become obverse, when for many reasons we cannot be together with a person we love deeply and comprehensively, we adapt our lives, even in horrendous pain, because i knew i had been surgically removed in half from the person i should have loved, the person i would have found my inner soul to live and breath with then, in that moment and time. When it becomes impossible to be together we go on and find our lives in a different place. Life happens, we cannot stand still, even if everything we are experiencing, the traumatic changes, for me, these changes happen and we live with such change and we evolve as people, perhaps we even become better people for those experiences, and that is life, we have to embrace change and get on with our lives. We all know that. We don't need to be geniuses to comprehend the ways of life or love, we have lived this far we can manage change. We can manage our lives and experiences and we must live in ways that lead us forward into furthering our potential for other changes with new experiences to sustain us. For me, with my husband who could be and get on with the rest of our lives. However, what if we meet someone who is unusual, different to our selves, this too can happen, where the person in our lives has other interests that involve other similar loves for him, that are important and sustaining in his life, if those situations involving other people are what make him happy and complete, then hopefully we could look at that together, so long as those other loves and involvements are clean and wholesome and sustaining experiences for either person involved we cannot seriously arrest that person's life and be unhappy with that, if something or someone would make the person we love, happy, surely then we can be open to that situation, we can accommodate such changes in our lives and proceed, if that is what he wants and wishes for to make him complete. That's it, we can't say to that person, no, your cannot live your life, we say to that person, live your life. There are many different ways we can show our love for the person we love and if seeing another person apart from our relationship or marriage is a way to do that, to acommodate change with another person or people, then we do that, we let go and get on with life. To adapt to those changes essentially we should talk about that, all of us fall in love, sometimes often, sometimes not, we can't deny that in another person, that is the reality, its whether the person we are with can accommodate those realities in us should it be our turn to love another love, if you can bear it so can I, at least try., that's all we can do for the person we love, if its love, we let go, little by little. Love ... how to define it ... Angela Maria De Nobrega Freitas

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