Sunday 1 December 2013

Writing advice ... cont ...

Angela Maria De Nobrega Freitas BSc Hons., Social Sciences, Open University, DipGeog., Open University MLit., Literature, Open University, studied - MPhil., and Playwriting, Birmingham University, studied ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ A note to my readers. Please note this is a revised version of the original article. It has been a little while since I talked with you and wrote to you specifically about writing. Remember, if you are serious about writing and the writing process obviously its advisable in the first instance and I should say here on my website, Wordcraft42, that you should study a course in writing at a university such as the University of Birmingham. You will find details of their courses on line or you may telephone the university and make enquiries there. Further to that I will advise you according to my remit, my qualifications are as stated above. To continue ... Remember, if you are serious about the writing process do not under any circumstances send your writing to anybody without first discussing your writing work with the person you may decide in the end to send it to. Obviously I will be happy for you to ask me any questions you may feel it would be helpful for me to answer and I can certainly give you valuable advice based on your writing and the necessary criteria to become accomplished in the writing field. In short, please ensure you send your writing to a legitimate informed writer who is respected in the field of writing you may choose to send or write for. Importantly, remember too to write for yourself as much as for your potential appreciative readers. Keep your writing private until you find a publisher, who is again, respectable and respects you as a person and thereby, will respect your writing work by agreeing with you to publish your writing and pay you for the privilege of publishing your work. Further, I often comment on BBC news-on-line, and you too I would encourage to do the same, write a comment that is your personal view of the headline stories as published on BBC news for facebook. It is a way too of communicating critical analysis as well as a general critique that is relevant and is a good way for you to become used to the writing medium and will help you gain confidence by contributing what may be a valued and succinct point of view; i would also encourage you to be positive, being positive will open your mind to positive thinking about life in general, do not be dissuaded by anything or anyone who may challenge your thinking in any way. any trials or tribulations that may face you are not worth the sacrifice of your peace of mind, be focused about your writing and write well. Be sure and be positive. For now, good writing and good luck. Angela Maria De Nobrega Freitas

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